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This blog is for Salem State University Curriculum block for elementary education social studies course. Amanda Fronduto and Jessica Stone are working on this blog. The topic of this blog is welfare drug testing. Is it constitutional to drug test people trying to get help? Many states are trying to implement a law that drug tests people for them to recieve welfare benefits.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What you did for a “take action” and reflect on how it felt .

For my action I signed a petition for mandatory drug testing for all recipients. It is start on the care 2 petition site by a lady named Donna Powell aimed at congress. Not many people have signed the petition. Most of the petitions that I came across before this one had already been closed so I could not sign them. I also found petitions for people to sign to stop wasting money and stop drug testing people on welfare. I would say "taking action" definitely made me feel nervous, as I do more and more research on this topic I am starting to have mixed feelings. I felt weird to put my name out there on a petition that people could see that I signed if they wanted to find it or if they just happened to stumble across it. I do not also feel comfortable letting other people know how I view certain things. I think that there should be drug testing but I think there should be help that is offered if you fail. Upon completing or continuing participation in the help or treatments I think one should be eligible for welfare if they are showing that they want to change.
This is the petition I signed

  • Reflect on how taking this type of action connects with democratic values.

  • Signing a petition connects with democratic values because it is peaceful protest that is promoting some sort of change. It also connects with freedom of speech because people have the freedom to say how they think things should be and changes that need to be made. Not all people have to agree but those that do might decide to sign the petition to support the cause.

    Where do you lie in regards to teaching about social justice issues? 
    I think that teaching social justice issues can be controversial. I think the best way I would go about teaching them would be in stories read to the class and asking them about messages from they understood from the story. Education prepares students for the future I think the more exposure they have to a topic the more understand they will be and be less likely to have negative views on it. I do believe that education is an instrument for the public good because teachers are not only required to be teachers, they are roles models, they teach the standards, and well as hidden curriculum. They are preparing the students who are benefactors to society.

    “Struggle for social justice is central to our nation’s history…“Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies”

    All of these qualities relate to being a citizen. Social studies focuses on citizenship. It is the role of the teacher. By understanding social studies students will learn the realms of morality, ethics and federal law. This country was founded on social justice. By understanding our history one will know where we came from and could give ideas for our future. You never know who you are teaching in your classroom and what will come of them. So to give each child a good understanding about the concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual you are giving them a fair chance at their future.

    American Bloggers post on welfare drug testing

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