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This blog is for Salem State University Curriculum block for elementary education social studies course. Amanda Fronduto and Jessica Stone are working on this blog. The topic of this blog is welfare drug testing. Is it constitutional to drug test people trying to get help? Many states are trying to implement a law that drug tests people for them to recieve welfare benefits.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

• To break this current event into sections we would start with informational knowledge: What is welfare, the different components and aid provided? What are some current issues surrounding welfare?
• Think before offering solutions and opinions it’ important for someone to know the facts about what they’re reading to build their own opinions. We would introduce articles that are both for and against drug testing welfare participants. By providing factual knowledge about the states that already implement drug testing, are in the process and those who completely disagree with drug testing welfare participants.
• All this background information will help people build their own view on drug testing welfare participants and spark interesting conversation that can be debatable by the two parties (for and against)
• What can we do as a community to help reassure federal aid is being used appropriately?
• Allow personal stories or people who have had experience with the issue share so those who don’t have experience with welfare fraud can get an idea of what it’s like.

1B: AS A GROUP what will you do about service learning: in class in your discussion time, out of class, or in your student's class?

In class in your discussion time- view power points on ways to help people in the community get help instead of misusing welfare. Make classmates aware that tons of extra curricular activities, jobs and field placements require drug testing without creating cayos. Get suggestions from the class on ways you can help people with substance abuse issues do things that will lower Americans cost for welfare money and invest it in something meaningful to get those who abuse welfare help. Allow all opinions, because just like in an elementary classroom, even in a college classroom all opinions are welcome. Encourage classmates to take a stand and help fight against welfare fraud!

Out of class- Volunteer at a shelter where people with addictions to drugs and alcohol can go for more than one week for recovery. Start patricians not to end welfare but to find a new solution to help people on welfare who need different kinds of assistance. Work within your community to build a stronger relationship between shelters and the government. The more the government officials are accepting of programs for welfare participants the more others will be involved as well. Get friends, family and classmates to volunteer with you or talk with them on the importance of the topic so they can make others aware of this serious issue that not only effects those abusing welfare but affects us to by wasting out tax dollars.

Or in your student's class- I’m not sure how this would be addressed in a students classroom. The topic seems to be more on an adult level that may affect students but not in a way that would be impaction to talk about.

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