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This blog is for Salem State University Curriculum block for elementary education social studies course. Amanda Fronduto and Jessica Stone are working on this blog. The topic of this blog is welfare drug testing. Is it constitutional to drug test people trying to get help? Many states are trying to implement a law that drug tests people for them to recieve welfare benefits.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Problem: welfare drug testing
I chose to Interview my friend Alyssa who I live with off campus with. She a home health aid and a nanny. She is a nursing student at Salem State University. She does not receive any welfare benefits but has friends that do. I did think that Alyssa had some of the same views as me where people  who are deserving should receive the aid and the system should be watched more closely to see who is abusing their welfare privileges. I did realize she had very minimal knowledge on the subject. She was interested to learn more so I showed her the links on my blog. I did learn that in high school she worked at Johnnies Foodmaster a grocery store in Melrose where she very rarely saw someone trying to sell their food stamps. Her views come from what she has experienced, her parents, and many of the people that she knows, and spends time with. She does think that Welfare is beneficial and that drug testing should not be the deciding factor to as whether or not a person receives welfare but should be a part in helping the person get help. 
Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
Yes, I think it is important because why should my tax dollars go to drug addicts and people who most likely abuse the system. 
Do you think others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?
Yes I used to work at Johnnies Foodmaster and I would see the people with their EBT cards. I had only a few occasions seen someone trying to get someone to give them cash for money on their EBT cards. I just think that people who are not trying to cheat the system and sell their food stamps and welfare aid are out there and that need it so the policy need to be a little stricter. I know that there are people who feel strongly about 
What do you think are disadvantages of welfare drug testing?
I think the main disadvantage would be children who have parents who abuse drugs and are not receiving benefits.  

What policy , if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?

I know that some states drug test but that is all I know.
Do you think that each state should make their own decisions on how they choose who receives welfare or do you think it should be mandatory for all states to drug test recipients?
 I guess do it separately. I live in Massachusetts and that is where the majority of my tax dollars go. I think where drugs and abuse of the system exists the most that there should be stricter policies and drug testing may be beneficial in many states but they should be able to decide and make their own policies.
Do you think that anyone on drugs or abusing alcohol should receive welfare benefits?
Yes I think people who need the help should still receive the benefits. To receive the benefits they should prove that they are continuously getting help. If they can't afford the help the government should provide it for them if they are really willing to work towards getting better. People should not be penalized for needing real help when they have a disease but they have to prove they are worthy of the benefits. 

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